Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Know These HVAC Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

You’ve bought your first home, and you couldn’t be more excited! That said, you may also harbor a little apprehension about all of the responsibilities that come with owning a home. One of those responsibilities is maintaining your HVAC system. No worries. Use the following new homeowner tips to make owning a new home a little easier.

New Homeowner Tips: Change the Air Filter

The air filter is a very important component for your HVAC system. The filter keeps the system clean, and a good air filter helps maintain good indoor air quality. It should be changed as often as suggested by the manufacturer, which is typically every one to three months.

New Homeowner Tips: Thermostat Settings

Everyone has their favorite temperature settings that keep them comfortable at home. However, you probably want to save energy when you can. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save up to 10% on your cooling and heating bill by turning the thermostat setting down in winter or up in summer seven to 10 degrees from your normal setting for eight hours a day. A programmable thermostat makes temperature changes a breeze.

New Homeowner Tips: Open Vents and Doors

Your HVAC system needs free airflow from the air supply to air return to operate at peak efficiency. Any restrictions to free airflow, such as closed doors or closed vents, puts an extra strain on the blower motor and uses more energy. So, keep those air vents and doors open to allow free airflow through your home.

New Homeowner Tips: Professional Maintenance

HVAC systems are complex machines containing motors, heat exchangers, coils, moving, and electrical parts. All of these parts need regular maintenance to operate at top efficiency and to help prevent breakdowns.

It is generally suggested by HVAC manufacturers (or required to maintain a valid warranty) to have professional HVAC maintenance performed at least once a year. For the best results, have your AC serviced in the spring and your heating system serviced in the fall.

For more information about these new homeowner tips for your Yuma-area home, please contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company today.