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Which Air Pollutants Are Most Common in the Spring?

Spring is here! Time to breathe in that fresh air. Outdoors, that may be true. Indoors, spring carries with it some of the worst air pollution of the year. Here are some of spring’s most common indoor air pollution examples and tips for how to eliminate them.

Spring Indoor Air Pollution Examples

  • Pollen. The flowers are blooming, and with them comes that most feared contaminant for allergy sufferers: pollen. We think of it as an outdoor pollutant, but it can easily get into your home and circulate through your air, stuffing up noses and closing throats.
  • Mold. As the weather warms up, it leads to mold growth. Those spores are another allergy trigger, and they can exacerbate asthma too. Due to our dry climate, it’s less of a problem in Arizona, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be careful.
  • VOCs. Another major hallmark of warmer weather is spring cleaning. It’s great to give the house a good scrubbing and dusting. However, be careful about which cleaning products you use. Many of them contain volatile organic compounds, which can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin, along with headaches and dizziness. They’re also bad for the environment.

Fighting Indoor Air Pollution

The first step in keeping your indoor air clean is to change your air filter regularly — every three to six months, when it appears gray and opaque, rather than white and translucent. The longer you wait, the more contaminants will build up in your home’s air, which is one of the main indoor air pollution examples.

For allergy sufferers, you might also consider an air purifier. A high-efficiency filter captures many of the contaminants your regular HVAC filter can’t. A UV light is also helpful, as it kills mold, mildew, bacteria, and other organic matter on contact.

Finally, be careful of your cleaning products. Check everything from toilet cleaners to oven cleaners to furniture polish to make sure they’re environmentally safe and won’t cause harmful reactions.

To learn about other indoor air pollution examples and how to eliminate them, contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We keep Yuma’s indoor air clean and its homes comfortable.