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Home Comfort: The Best Indoor Temperature for the Elderly

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the ideal home temperature for aging adults ranges between 68 and 70 degrees. The human body reacts to temperatures on an individual basis. Changes in health and fitness levels make a difference, as do indoor environmental conditions. A drafty home will feel cooler, as will one whose air is exceptionally dry.

Being physically comfortable is important to healthy aging. Being consistently chilled can lead to heart, liver, or kidney problems and does little to create a sense of well-being.

Ways to ensure a comfortable home without using an excessive amount of energy include:

Home Weatherization

  • Check all the windows for air infiltration on a chilly windy day. Lock them to eliminate as many drafts as possible. Caulk around the frames indoors and out if there are signs of caulk shrinkage.
  • Use weatherstripping and draft blockers around exterior doors to minimize air infiltration and keep home temperature even throughout the house.

Heat Efficiently

  • Schedule a heating system tuneup to make your furnace or heat pump as energy efficient as possible. Besides lowering heating bills, the technician from Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company will spot any problems that could sideline your equipment.
  • Change the air filter once a month when your furnace is running routinely.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Dress warmly for winter. Wear sweaters and use lap blankets to stay warm when you’re sitting quietly.
  • Open the window coverings when the sun is shining inside. The sun provides plenty of radiant heat, even in the winter in Yuma.
  • Use space heaters cautiously, as they are responsible for 30% of home fires in the winter.
  • Put together a contingency plan to keep a comfortable home temperature should the power go out for an extended period. If your home’s temperature falls below a certain point, you’ll be safer if you stay with friends, family, or at a hotel.

If you’d like more information about maintaining a comfortable and healthy home temperature, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We provide HVAC services for Yuma-area homeowners.