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Staving off Heat Gain in Your Yuma-Area Home

High summer temperatures in the desert make staying cool indoors a challenge in southwest Arizona. For several months, the blazing sun can cause indoor temperatures to rise to uncomfortable levels unless you take steps to mitigate the heat. While air conditioning provides some respite, the price of that cooler air is reflected in higher utility bills. You need help cutting energy costs by preventing heat gain where possible. Combining moderate air conditioning use with these passive cooling methods will help keep you comfortable this summer:

Deflect heat Staving off Heat Gain in Your Yuma-Area Home
Painting your home’s exterior in light colors reflects heat and prevents absorbed energy to transfer into your home. Apply a reflective roof coating to deflect heat from traditional roofing materials. For metal and asphalt roofs, asphalt-based paints containing glass fibers and aluminum particles are best; white latex paint is appropriate for metal, fiberglass shingles and tar paper applications.

Cover windows
About 40 percent of the heat in your home enters through your windows. Apply reflective window coatings to deflect heat away from your home. These thin plastic sheets contain dyes or thin layers of metal to reduce heat and cut glare. For warmer climates such as Yuma, sun-control films can reflect as much as 80 percent of the incoming sunlight. Remember because they’re tinted they will darken your interior.

Block the heat
There are two other effective methods to block heat from entering your home aside from deflecting heat and covering or shading windows – sealing and insulating. Sealing air leaks prevents warm air from infiltrating your home, while insulation reduces heat transfer from outside. Weatherize your home with weatherstripping, caulking and spray foam to seal your home while preventing heat gain. Insulating and ventilating your attic will protect your home from a major source of heat gain. Caulking and weatherstripping will control air leaks through windows, electrical outlets and poorly sealed doors.

For more information about how to use your air conditioning system in tandem with passive cooling methods, please contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Co. We’ve been keeping the Yuma area cool since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about heat gain and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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