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Want Better Energy Savings in Your Home? Weatherize Those Windows

Want Better Energy Savings in Your Home? Weatherize Those WindowsSealing air leaks in your Yuma home will result in lower energy bills during the heating and cooling seasons, reduce the load on your HVAC system for better performance, and improve your comfort level. Weatherizing windows is a good place to start air sealing your home, since they account for a large portion of air infiltrating from outdoors.

Supplies for Weatherizing Windows

Weatherizing windows is an easy and inexpensive task that you can complete in a weekend. Head to the hardware store and pick up a few essential items:

  • Silicone caulk.
  • Rope caulk.
  • Expandable foam caulk.
  • Adhesive-backed weatherstripping.
  • Window insulation kits.

Caulk is easy to use, but if you’ve never worked with it, read the directions carefully before you start weatherizing.

How to Weatherize Your Windows

Begin outside. Inspect the exterior of your windows for large holes, gaps and cracks, and fill these with expandable foam caulk. Use silicone caulk to seal around the seam where the window frame meets the exterior wall. Install storm windows if you have them.

Move inside. With the silicone caulk, seal around the window frame where it meets the wall. Open the window, and install the weatherstripping along the top and bottom so that it creates an airtight seal when the window is closed. Use the rope caulk, which is removable in spring, to seal along the movable seams of your windows. Install the window insulation kit if you don’t have storm windows or if your windows are very drafty or old.

Why a Home Energy Audit is a Good Idea

Windows aren’t the only culprits when it comes to wasted energy in the home. Doors, baseboards, recessed lighting fixtures, and service entrances are among other leaky areas that can be costing you big in terms of energy loss. A professional or DIY home energy audit helps to pinpoint areas of concern to guide your sealing efforts.

For more information about weatherizing windows, or to inquire about a home energy audit, feel free to contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company, proudly serving the Yuma area with a high level of customer satisfaction.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about weatherizing windows and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “israelbest/Pixabay”