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Dust Buster: Reasons and Remedies for a Dusty Home

Dust Buster: Reasons and Remedies for a Dusty HomeMost homes today can make good use of effective dust remedies. Studies estimate that a typical residence accumulates about 40 pounds of dust per year. Scientific analysis has shown that the list of ingredients that compose household dust is quite extensive. It’s an assortment including pet dander, skin flakes shed by humans, carpet fibers, fabric lint, mold spores and pollen, dirt particles tracked indoors, insect fragments and powder released from drywall building materials.

The presence of some dust inside an occupied home is inevitable (remember that even empty, abandoned houses accumulate dust, too.) The most effective dust remedies focus on reducing the quantity by identifying a few common causes and cures.

Limit The Spread

Dust is buoyant and spreads when stirred up off of household surfaces. When dusting, use microfiber dust cloths that have an electrostatic charge to hold dust. Never use feather dusters or untreated rags or towels that simply launch dust into the air instead of capturing it.

Dust-Conscious Vacuuming

Carpets are an enormous dust reservoir. Standard vacuuming often simply blows a lot of that dust back into the air instead of keeping it inside the vacuum. For better results, use an efficient vacuum cleaner with HEPA-grade filters and bags rated to retain particles as small as 5 microns.

Improved Air Filtration

Your HVAC air filters continuously filter all the air in the house. If you have cheap fiberglass filters, however, they’re not doing a very good job as dust easily escapes. Replace them with quality pleated cotton or polyester filters. Read labels and select filters that display a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating around 8 for effective dust filtration.

Ductwork Matters

Residential ductwork is notoriously leaky. Return ducts under negative pressure may suck outside air into the ductwork from dusty areas of the structure like the attic or the crawl space under the house. This dust is continuously circulated throughout the house. Talk to a qualified HVAC contractor about having ductwork pressure-tested and then sealed to prevent dust contamination.

Ask the air quality professionals at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company for more effective dust remedies.

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