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Zoning System Design Guidelines For Optimal Comfort

If you want every floor of your home to feel more comfortable, a zoning system is a great way to make it happen. You’ll make the most out of your investment if you follow as many of these five zoning system design guidelines as possible.

  • Zone the upstairs separately from the ground floor. Because hot air naturally rises, the upper floor heatsZoning System Design Guidelines For Optimal Comfort up more than the ground floor. With proper zoning system design, all floors can feel equally comfortable, but only if you zone each floor separately.
  • Give home add-ons their own zone. If you have added a room or an entire wing since your home was initially constructed, this area needs its own zone because it probably has better insulation and may require less air conditioning to stay comfortable.
  • Put rooms entirely internal to the structure in their own zone. Most rooms in your home probably have at least one perimeter wall, but if a handful of rooms are internal to the structure, they should have their own zone because they are less affected by outdoor conditions.
  • Install thermostats in the most-used room of each zone. That way, you control the temperature based on the room where you spend most of your time.
  • Zone east- and west-facing rooms separately. Greater solar gain occurs at different times of day in east- and west-facing rooms. It’s easier to keep every room comfortable if your zoning system design puts these rooms in different zones.

It may not be feasible to follow each and every zoning system design guideline, but take these five ideas into consideration as you plan out your zoning system for the best comfort possible. To learn more about zoning systems, please contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We have served Yuma area customers since 1952.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about zoning system design and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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