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Your Heat Pump’s Air Filter Requires Attention: An FAQ For Homeowners

Heat pumps are great investments. However, like any other HVAC appliance, they require maintenance, and without it, they can break down and not work to their fullest efficiency. One essential maintenance task that you can do yourself is to make sure that your heat pump’s air filter is inspected and changed regularly.

Purpose of an HVAC filterYour Heat Pump's Air Filter Requires Attention: An FAQ For Homeowners
A heat pump’s air filter removes various particulates from the air before it moves through the heat pump. Dust and debris, and pollutants they carry, can damage your heat pump’s heating and cooling coils or other sensitive components, or be harmful to your health. A clogged filter can impede airflow through the system, making your heat pump’s air handler work harder than necessary to deliver conditioned air.

How frequently should you change the filter
Your unit’s included documents will list the recommended time between changes, though these times can change depending on on equipment usage and individual circumstances. Typically, disposable fiberglass and electrostatic-panel filters should be changed every one to three months. Pleated fiber filters should be changed from every three months to once a year. Get in the habit of inspecting your heat pump’s air filter monthly and changing it when it appears dirty.

Brand of filter vs. brand of unit
Usually, filters aren’t dependent on the brand of heat pump, and don’t need to be the same brand as your unit. The included manuals will provide assistance in choosing the correct type of filter, and you can always ask the hardware clerk or an HVAC technician.

High-efficiency filter for a high-efficiency unit
Filter efficiency is determined by how well the filter cleans the air. MERV, or minimum efficiency reporting value, is a good measure of residential air filter efficiency. The values run from 1-16 with the lower numbers only removing the largest particulates from the air. For mort residential systems, a MERV between 8 and 12 provides a good balance between maintaining air quality and optimum airflow.

For more expert advice, please contact us at Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company. We provide quality HVAC services to the Yuma area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about heat pumps and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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