Hansberger Refrigeration Blog: Your AC Repair Resource

Even If Your System Isn’t All That Old, Upgrading to High-Efficiency Air Conditioning Can Pay Off

In places such as southwest Arizona, where the weather can get unbearably hot and stay that way, you not only have to deal with the temperatures but the cost of air conditioning as well. When the choice comes down to sweating it out in broiling heat or paying massive amounts of money just to run the A/C, go with a different option: high-efficiency air conditioning. Even systems made 10 years ago don’t measure up to the standards of the newest models, which have been produced to use as little energy as possible.

Efficiency has become synonymous with not only saving money, but protecting the earth and atmosphere as well. The federal government has recently gotten behind more efficient products, which is why getting an qualified high-efficiency A/C could earn you quite a bit of money next spring when it comes to filing for tax credits. To do so, you would just need the approved Energy Star seal on your unit and a high enough efficiency rating on your system.

The thing to look for when shopping for a more efficient air conditioner is its SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating.) While models made 10 years ago were much better than those made in the 1970s, they still only had a SEER rating of 10-13. When used often, as they must in places like Yuma, the amount of money spent on air conditioning begins to add up quickly. High-efficiency air conditioners, on the other hand, have a SEER rating between 16 and 23, giving them a substantial increase in efficiency over older models. That means that any given summer, you could be cutting your energy use almost in half. Once you start cutting back your energy bill by 30-50 percent, the initial investment eventually will pay for itself.

The air conditioner you’re using may work fine, but it probably isn’t saving you a lot of money, especially when the temperature hits the 100 degree mark and stays there on a weekly basis. Contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company to get air conditioning that will save you energy and money.

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Hansberger Refrigeration & Electric Co services the Yuma area in Arizona. To get started, check out our website.