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4 Fall Air Quality Concerns in Yuma, Arizona

4 Fall Air Quality Concerns in Yuma, ArizonaAs the weather starts to cool after a blistering summer, air quality concerns increase. It’s cool enough to open windows, road and freeway traffic increases, the air dries out, and pollen counts rise. Here are four air contaminants that get particularly bad in the fall:

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Besides the many products you bring into your home that contain VOCs, the air in Yuma gets a double-dose of VOCs from all the traffic that passes by town. The cooler seasons mean that more people are traveling to California and the RV spots along the Colorado. Vehicles, semis and RVs emit plenty of VOCs.

When the air is still, days are warm and nights cool, VOC concentrations build. VOCs can cause mild to serious health problems like eye and throat irritations, and in a few individuals, cancer, nerve and organ damage.


The dust that coats your furniture contains a mix of tiny particles that include lint, dead skin, animal dander, dust mite waste, pollen, and mold spores. Add to that the dust that comes into your home from the outdoors and it’s no wonder that dusting is a constant chore in Yuma homes.


Pollen counts rise in the fall from plants like rye and Bermuda grass, willows and sagebrush. Pollen doesn’t come from the bright, showy flowers, but rather the plants that have inconspicuous flowers.


Even though this climate is exceptionally dry, mold still thrives year-round. Molds are living organisms that have adapted themselves to all kinds of weather conditions, including the arid southwest.

The two best ways to deal with air quality concerns year-round are to use air filtration devices and UV (ultraviolet) lights. Each of these works in combination with your HVAC system. UV lights target VOCs and mold spores, while filtration traps offending airborne particulates.

Addressing air quality concerns in the fall will help you enjoy higher air quality in your home year-round. To learn more about maintaining high quality air in your home, contact Hansberger Refrigeration and Electric Company, providing HVAC services for Yuma-area homeowners.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Yuma, Arizona about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about air quality concerns and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 928-723-3183.